A Tilting Body of Precarious Maps and Migrant Constellations
A free durational interdisciplinary performance event
Open to anyone, anywhere in the world, via wifi
18 December 2021 9am - 9pm NZT
17 December 2021 3pm - 3am EST
17 December 2021 9pm - 9am CET
a tilting body of precarious maps is a curated journey through a labyrinth of immersive worlds
Creative Direction by artists alys Longley and Kate Stevenson (DotDot) and with over 60 artists from across the world.
The work began as a series of artist-maps created for the exhibition Let us Drink the New Wine Together/ Beberemos El Vino Nuevo Juntos in which artists alys longley and Máximo Corvalán-Pincheira facilitated ways for artists to connect across and rewrite our shared world together through 2020 and 2021, in the form of artist maps and a postal art project.
Artist maps and postal artworks have been developed into a labyrinthine series of interactive, multi-dimensional, sonic and relational worlds in a one-off online event with Linda Knight and Mapping Future Imaginaries for BusProject Gallery (Melbourne) in association with a SloMoCo residency and Dance Studies, University of Auckland.
Instructions for the Visitor
Trip and fall through worlds with or without your friends, in real time. On arrival you can meet up, hang-out and chat inside a postbox or in the ribcage of a tropical country. Using the camera and microphone of your device, a simple URL will take you inside an unwinding series of artworks. Stay in the Old Folks Association Hall Digital Theatre for the premiere of live performance of durational performance h u m a t t e r i n g, then fall down a rabbit hole and lose your friends, find them again - and navigate/tumble through a series of glitch-portals between these living maps.
h u m a t t e r i n g
h u m a t t e r i n g is a performance research event that experiments with bodies as simultaneously singular and collective – as territory and sensorial archive. It moves through performance, text, sound, light, score, improvisation and remembering. As a room housed inside the digital exhibition Tilting Body of Precarious Maps and Migrant Constellations, h u m a t t e r i n g will run as a 12 hour durational live-streamed performance event, in order to make itself available in all time zones throughout the world. We are imagining friends in different countries can meet up inside this digital exhibition, hang out for awhile, and share some time while immersed in the art work.
h u m a t t e r i n g Creative Team
Alys Longley (Artistic Director/Writer/Performer/ Concept)
Kate Stevenson (Digital design)
Jeffrey Holdaway (Sound, Production)
Sean Curham (Lighting, Design, Performance Making)
Kristian Larsen (Sound, Design, Performance Making)
Janaína Moraes (Performance)
Deborah Fletcher (Production Assistance)
Yin Chi Lee, Maryam Bagheri Nesami, Joanna Cook (Creative Development team/ Translation)